Things I recommend
Complementary treatments such as Shiatsu, Reflexology and Reiki do not create dependency…
After a course of treatment your body and spirit are strengthened from within, enabling you to be more centred and confident in living life.
It is very beneficial to follow up with a session, say every 3 or 4 weeks, to keep your life at a high level of energy and to prevent further problems re/occurring.
Immune system boosting:
Vit C, Vit D3 and Zinc available here from Higher Nature with 10% discount for a year if you use my own ID code 456840 - to set up an account - tel 0800 458 4747. Phone code only, otherwise if you go to their website you'll pay a £9 annual membership fee. I've been using this company for about 15 years…
Avoid stress and fear – these deplete your natural immunity – so encourage laughter and relaxation.
Vitamin D3 (I take daily 5,000iu) with K2
Vitamin C (1000mg) morning and evening, plus more if needed
EpiCor (I take daily 500 mg, but I will up it if I feel vulnerable or off-colour)
Zinc (I take 30 mg of zinc daily)
Liquid propolis - a few drops every day
Andrographis paniculata (I take 400 mg a day)
I'm using Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency mats for health, since most folks are living with wi-fi (whether voluntarily or not).
This way, people can come back into harmonious earth based resonance every day - something that looks likely to be needed, as more wifi satellites keep going up into the atmosphere and more 5g networks being activated.